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This page contains the Stata Do and Data files referred to in the exercises for Empirical Development Economics.

Chapter 1 The Hall and Jones Stata Do File and Data set

The Stata data file ‘hjones’ has the data underlying the Hall and Jones (1999) paper which is used in chapter 1. The Do file enalbes you to replicate the findings reported in that chapter. You can also use and adapt this programme to answer the questions at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 2 South African Labour Force Data

The Stata data file 'Labour_force_SA_SALDRU_1993' has the data used in Chapters 2 and 3.

Chapter 3 Basic Marco Data

The Stata data file 'Macro_1980_200_PENN61' has the basic macro data used in Chapter 3.

Chapters 3 and 5 Do files

​The Do files below replicate the results you can find in Chapters 3 and 5 

Chapters 6, 7 and 8 Macro Data 

The Stata data file 'Macro_PEBLIF' is first used in chapter 6. It is then used in Chapters 7 and 8 and again in Chapter 25. The Do files replicates the Tables in Chapters 6 and 7.

Chapters 9 and 10 Ghana Firm Level Panel Data

The Stata data file 'Ghana_Firms_JDE04' is first used in Chapter 9 and then in Chapters 10, 13 and 24.

Chapter 11 Data for Exercise Ghana nd Tanzania labour force Data for 2004-2005 

The Stata data file 'Ghana_Tan_LF_04_05' is first used in Chapter 11 and then in Chapter 14.


Chapter 11 Do file to replicate the IV results for Hall and Jones Analysis

Chapter 13 Ghana Cocoa Farms Panel Data 

The Stata data file 'Cocoa_Farms' has a panel data set for coca farms in Ghana.

Chapter 15 Maximum likelihoood estimation 

You can find the Stata do file ‘’ to undertaken the maxmimum likleihood estimation in Chapter 15 here.


Chapter 17  The Indian Schools Data used 

The Stata set 'Indian_Schools_Pupil' data set used in Chapter 17 can be found here:


Chapter 18 The Indian Education Share Data 

The Stata data file 'Educ_Share_India' has the data used to show the outcomes in corner solution models.


The Stata Do and data files below allow you to replicate the results in Chapter 18 for Ghana Firm's invesment. 

Chapter 19 An Introduction to Structural Modeling

The Stata do file '' enables you to carry out the exercise for Chapter 19.

Chapter 20 Structural Models and the Return to Education

To undertake the exrercise for Chapter 20 you will need two Stata do files.They are:

and a State data file SmallILFS_adj.dta. They are below 

Chapter 22      Programme Evaluation: Regression Discontinuity and Matching

This Do file and data file enabless you to gnerate the results reported in the exercise for Chapter 22.

Chapter 23 Heterogeneity, Selection and the MTE

To undertake the exercise for this Chapter you will need the Stata data file 'SmallILFS2.dta' below:

Chapter 25 Modeling the effects of Aid and the Determinats of Growth

The Stata do file you need to replicate the results of this chapter is '' which can be found below. The Stata data file this program uses is 'Macro_PEBLIF' which can be found above.


Chapter 26 Understanding Technology Using Long Panels

The Stata data file you need for this exercise is 'Macro_Manufacturing.dta' which can be found below:

Chapter 27 Cross-Section Dependence and Nonstationary Data

The data file you need to do the exercise for this chapter is 'Macro_PEBLIF_LT' and can be found below:ou.

Chapter 28 Macro Production Functions for Manufacturing and Agriculture

The Stata do file that will enable you to replicate the results of Table 28.5 is 'OBES No mangoes in the Tundra'. The data file is 'agri_data128'. You will aslo need two auxiliary Stata do files if you run the main program. These are 'outeg.ado' which is the program used to present the output from the runs and 'xtmg.ado' which produces some of the mean group estimates. All these files are below:

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